perm filename ERMAN.7[NOT,DBL] blob sn#200757 filedate 1976-02-11 generic text, type T, neo UTF8

Dear Lucy,

I will arrive in  Pittsburgh at 5:14pm Sunday afternoon,  Feb. 15, on
TWA flight 90.  I'd appreciate it if you could arrange  a room for me
nearby CMU, and transportation to and from the airport.  (either way,
send me a note  indicating what has been done.   Bob Filman said he'd
pick  me  up if  asked).   I'll be  leaving  for Boston  on Wednesday
morning (8am flight).

I won't  need any special  equipment for  my talk  on Monday (just  a
vu-graph projector and a receptive audience).

I look forward to meeting you and Lee. Regards from Ed Feigenbaum.

Doug Lenat

(cc: A. Newell)